Mahendra, Daniele Riggiardi, met the world of Osho in 1991 at the age of seventeen. From that moment his life changes radically, developing an ever deeper interest in inner growth, in protecting himself and others.
He began traveling to various countries, especially in the East, fascinated by different cultures and by a spiritual dimension alive and present in the many small gestures of daily life.
In his studies and insights he has the honor of achieving: the training of GONG Master in 2014, directly with the creator of gong baths Don Conreaux and the founding father of Planetary Gongs Hans Coustò.
At the same time he discovers the magical world of Tibetan singing bowls and savors the wisdom of Tibetan culture under the guidance of Tibetan Master Thonla Sonam.
He continues to study and deepen the benefits of the sound and vibrations produced by various ‘unconventional’ instruments which have transformative effects and which gradually enrich his instruments. Among which there are: Shells, the Angelic Harp, the Shamanic Drum, the Koshi.
During his growth path, from 1994 to 2002, he attended meditation and therapy courses at the Pune Resort in India. He attended other holistic realities, graduating in Shiatsu & Reflexology at the Osho Divine Healing Arts school; in Ayurvedic Massage at the Raso Vai Ayurvedic Clinic and in Bio Dynamic Body Balancing.
From these foundations and from his love for meditation he began to lead body awareness courses and lead meditation camps in Europe, Russia and Israel.
Gradually refine listening and awareness techniques, starting from the base, i.e. the body.
He works through individual sessions and group workshops, observing the participants become more and more confident with their body language, refining their listening and receptivity skills, and thanks to the practice of meditations, he reaches a state of deep relaxation, in which processes of rebalancing and balancing.
Therefore decide to promote and deepen the study and use of sound and its harmonic vibrations as a vehicle for self-healing processes and expansion of awareness.
Since 2014 he has been a SIAF accredited holistic operator.
From 2010 to 2018 he co-directs the Osho Arihant meditation center in Varazze together with Geeti Marzia Gullino.