
Arpita has a formation in Family and Work Constellations, Star Sapphire, Essence, Somatic Experiencing, Attachment Theory, ISP (Integral Somatic Psychology) and Mindfulness.
For 20 years she has lived in Sweden where she works with individuals, couples and groups, in Italy she collaborates with Osho Tao Essence Institute.

Attachment Strategies and Traumas OFC Advanced I
It is the Advanced Training I of Family Constellation to recover vital energy and develop truer and deeper relationships…

Osho Family Constellation Basic Training
Finding our individuality and going beyond our personality to be able to live our own life necessarily implies a deep work…

Success in Relations – Advanced Training II – Individual Constellations
In this Family Constallation Advanced we will learn to explore and give systemic responses to a client’s discomfort through the …