Life is always liquid, always moving and flowing.
The way of life is the way of the water; it is not the way of the rocks.
Lao Tzu calls it ’the watercourse way’: always moving. It is a flow, and hence the beauty!
Sagar in Sanskrit language means “ocean”
Sagar is a recent space built in Miasto, consisting of a modern structure with a hot water pool, a well-equipped meditation room, and spaces for individual sessions and relaxation. Water is what melts and welcomes everything in a deep quiet, naturally activating an immense regenerative process, in which the body feels welcomed and protected and where meditation spontaneously happens. With the opening of Sagar, Miasto’s program of activities has been enriched with new trainings, workshops, groups and personalized relaxation programs that in addition to daily meditations offers individual work in the water. The water temperature is 35 ° and the pool measures 10x6m with a depth of 1.20m.
“The water is life because all life arises out of the water.
Water is vital. In your body you are eighty-five percent water, so eighty-five percent water, liquid, is meeting with a big river, or the ocean.
You have come to the original source of vitality.”
OSHO, A Bird on the Wing