Healing The Inner Child

A precious weekend recommended for anyone looking for a fresh start in their life and relationships and…

Healing The Inner Teenager Training 1

Meeting the inner teenager, Rediscovering longing, Exploring shame. You will learn to recognize and connect different parts of your inner…

Healing The Inner Teenager Training 2

The transformation of revenge. Healing thr wounds of shame. Healing the connection with the same gender…

Healing The Inner Teenager Training 3

In this module we focus on: Tantric initiation for the inner teenager and the meeting of male and female in relationships…

Healing The Inner Teenager Training 4

The meeting of inner man and inner woman. Integration of all inner parts. Refining the art of facilitating this process through session…

Healthy Boundaries: The Courage To Say No

When there is no clarity about our boundaries and who we are, our mind is focused on the other, on pleasing and making the other happy…

Heart & Hara

Thanks to the experience of the breath we reactivate the body’s self-healing powers to dissolve emotional blocks …

Heart Dance Weekend

For those who are interested in learning how to lead Heart Dance…will give you the tools you need to transmit this precious practice…

I Feel Good!

Do you often feel overwhelmed by your daily-life and forget yourself? And instead of coming back to you, you look outside, taking refuge…


What is worth living for! For those who want to create a sustainable, inclusive world where there is space for joy, creativity and love…

IKIGAI ONLINE introductory evening

An inspirational meeting to help you identify how you can put your talents and passions at the service of the world and identify your yearning in life.

IKIGAI Training 1 The Warrior – Cultivating Passion

The warrior puts their strength, their power, their integrity and their courage at the service of love and peace..