Degree Course for Counseling in Psychodance Therapy Metaphysical Dance® 1st YEAR

A creative process of transformation: psychodance therapy, art therapy, communication, research, personal and spiritual growth..

Degree course for Counseling in Psychodance Therapy Metaphysical Dance® 2nd YEAR

A journey to discover secret and hidden aspects of your energy. A continuous discovery of who you are and who is the other…

Degree course for Counseling in Psychodance Therapy Metaphysical Dance® 3rd YEAR

A method with a holistic experiential approach to address and recognize discomforts of emotional, cognitive and behavioral origin..

Dying to Live

Many people realize when they are dying that they have not really lived. So many things they really wanted to do were postponed or denied..

Ecstatic Pulsation

Dance is one of the deepest meditations possible. The combination of Pulsation and Estatic Dance arises from the encounter between a passion

Ecstatic Tantric Pulsation

Dance is one of the deepest meditations possible. The combination of Pulsation and Estatic Dance arises from the encounter between a passion

Energy Is Delight

This workshop is a chance to celebrate our aliveness in all its manifestations; to live and give space to the whole rainbow…

Essential Enneagram

A map, a powerful tool to support the evolution of human consciousness for self-knowledge and understanding of others…

Experiential Astrology

A synthesis of the ancient science of Astrology with the modern technique 
of experiencing directly the zodiac symbols through gestalt and psychodrama..

F.L.Y. First Love Yourself

This process was born and structured to awaken the love for yourself.We will explore the jungle of our negative thoughts. They have been…

Family Constellation

In this workshop with Kovida  we see how each Family System has its own natural order.

Osho Pulsation Bodywork Magna

Five Keys to a Happier Life

Each day we will focus on a vital key to a happier life: connection, acceptance, loving awareness, gratitude, and trust…