The Tao of Courage
The Tao of Courage is the right workshop to enter the new year. The courage is connected to the heart and its ability to alway …

The Tao of Joy: Totality and Expansion
When the secret of how to be in joy is revealed… find out how to live with a high level of satisfaction in every moment…

The Tao of True Success
It is a “crime” to waste a single moment of your life complaining about others and circumstances. Overcoming the systemic dimension of …

The Tarot and Divination
The Tarot and Divination opens 22 doors towards the invisible: a meditative approach to understanding of the Tarot’s Major Arcana.

Total Life Experience
In totality you are the one in charge . Nobody can judge the quality of your totality. Only yourself can feel, can appreciate and truly recognize its depth…

Trust and Self Love: Introduction to Zen Counseling
Impari a riconnetterti con le tue risorse interiori ed esterne: scopri l’amore per te stesso, la sicurezza e la fiducia. Piuttosto che…
Twice Born: Osho Primal
Primal is an intensive process that is good for anyone who is looking for a fresh start in their liv

Twice Born: Osho Primal
Primal is an intensive process that is good for anyone who is looking for a fresh start in their lives and relationships…

Twice Born: Osho Tantra
The teenager in us is still alive today. This workshop is for all those who want to relive a conscious adolescence and go beyond it…

Understanding Male and Female Energy
We project on others what we cannot see in ourselves. In these 5 days we will explore our own inner female and male energies and learn…

Voicing© Find Your True Authentic Strenght
The bigger and deeper the roots, the taller and stronger the tree. This is valid also for us but unfortunately we have disconnected from and we hardly know any more our roots. On the other hand we are starting to perceive the need of the reconnection with the energy of the earth, with our true…

Voicing© Intensive
Essence through the voice. An intense work that helps to activate and use all the functions that voice has: from the direct and shameless…