Tantric Pulsation Experience 4
The last module includes the participation in a 5-days Tantric Pulsation workshop. This experience will give to the future teachers a…
Tantric Pulsation for Couples
For couples, to meet your partner as if it were the first time, to reconnect with that attraction that initially brought you together…
Tarot for a New Year
We have a new 12 months ahead of us, full of challenges and opportunities to seize. We give life and value, depth and courage, wings and…
Tarot for a New Year
FREE EVENT ONLINE. A good vehicle to discover the messages that existence gives us to follow our own path, guided by our inner master..
Tarot: from Chaos to Cosmos
With the Tarot we go in depth: we let the reading arise from our intuition, pass from the heart, meeting trust…
The Adventure of Breath
Espandere te stesso e imparare a fidarti di nuovo del tuo respiro, ti aiuta a scoprire la tua vera natura. Ti senti nuovamente radicato…
The Alchemy of Celebration
Osho has said that he chose for his people the path of love, light, celebration because it is faster and more beautiful.And celebration transforms!
The Art of Being Spontaneous
Art is an inner experience. When we learn the art of being creative, every moment of life, even the most critical, becomes spontaneous..
The Art of Dying
This workshop is an intense process, in which we use death as a device to confront ourselves with our half-heartedness, our tendency to…
The Art of Healing Trauma
The work of trauma healing leads to a deep relaxation, a subtle awareness of the needs of our body and mind and a strengthening of our..
The Art of Letting Go: Aqua Floating and Energywork
A three-day journey of learning let-go and overcoming obstacles when moving into the unknown. We will learn to give space to our intuition…
The Art of Love: Conscious Relating
Often we are trapped in a traumatic field of the past and our ability to relate in a healthy way is damaged…