Sufi, the Flame of Love
Sufi is a mystical way; it is the essence in the heart of every religious spirit. It is the ancient wisdom of the heart, the way of love…

Supervision Constellation Single Module
In a space of Watchfulness, Presence, Perception and Silence we will deepen the dimension of emptiness that guides the facilitator…

Supervision Group Osho Pulsation – Advanced Training
To adapt the Italian training course to the international standards of the Training, a year of integration and deepening is required, which…

Take the Risk!
This workshop is for you, you who want to play, to become involved, who want to take the risk and know that there is nothing to lose…

Tantra for Couples
Tantra is yes to each moment. Being in each moment with an openness, an attitude of yes…

Tantra for Couples in Warm Water
Allow yourself to deepen the connection between you and your partner and let go into the warm waters of Sagar…

Tantra in the Forest Years: Aging and Intimacy
As we mature our need for intimacy remains, but it happens that there is a shift away from the ‘doing’ of physical lovemaking towards subtler

Tantra in Water: Opening to Love
Tantra is essentially the union of the masculine and the feminine within us, it is recognizing our inner man and woman…

Tantric Breath
It teaches you to accept, love and transform yourself through the joyful rhythm of the breath. It is a deep healing that gently opens you to..

Tantric Pulsation
An exploration of human energy and a rediscovery of our bodys natural capacity to feel and enjoy pleasure in its own flowing vitality and…

Tantric Pulsation Experience 1
When the energy starts to flow again, we can become more aware of the subtler layer of the second body, the energetic body…

Tantric Pulsation Experience 2
In a protected space we can explore, in depth, the different practices and partner meditations that Tantric Pulsation teaches…