Shamanic Journey
There is a journey, without flying to exotic places or places that we have not yet visited: it is the inner journey…
Social Meditation Experience October
To explore and practice active meditation techniques. It is open to everyone, it is a full immersion in silence and celebration..
Sound without Sound
Sing your heart, celebrate a limitless space, sing your Yes to life, which knows a hundred languages, even that of silence…
Stop! Relax… Enjoy…
Stop! Relax… Enjoy… is a workshop for everybody. In these confusing times of pandemic and collective paranoia we have tendency…
Success in Relationships OFC Advanced Training II – 1° module
In this Family Constellation Advanced Training we will address the dynamics of projections. We will learn…
Success in Relationships OFC Advanced Training II – 2°module
We will learn to explore and give systemic responses to a client’s discomfort through the use of Individual Systemic Constellations…
Sufi, the Flame of Love
Sufi is a mystical way; it is the essence in the heart of every religious spirit. It is the ancient wisdom of the heart, the way of love…
Supervision Group Osho Pulsation – Advanced Training
To adapt the Italian training course to the international standards of the Training, a year of integration and deepening is required, which…
Supervision Individual Constellation
In a space of Watchfulness, Presence, Perception and Silence we will deepen the dimension of emptiness that guides the facilitator…
Take the Risk!
This workshop is for you, you who want to play, to become involved, who want to take the risk and know that there is nothing to lose…
Tantra for Couples
Tantra is yes to each moment. Being in each moment with an openness, an attitude of yes…
Tantra for Couples in Warm Water
Allow yourself to deepen the connection between you and your partner and let go into the warm waters of Sagar…