Meditation Summer Festival MANEESHA

The Meditation Festival, an opportunity to experience a joyful summer: many events and many meetings in the quiet of Tuscan nature…

Meditation Summer Festival OPH Team

The Meditation Festival, an opportunity to experience a joyful summer: many events and many meetings in the quiet of Tuscan nature…

Meditation Summer Festival PRASHANTAM

The Meditation Festival, an opportunity to experience a joyful summer: many events and many meetings in the quiet of Tuscan nature…

Meditation Summer Festival SHUNYO E MARCO

The Meditation Festival, an opportunity to experience a joyful summer: many events and many meetings in the quiet of Tuscan nature…

Meditation Summer Festival SVAGITO

The Meditation Festival, an opportunity to experience a joyful summer: many events and many meetings in the quiet of Tuscan nature…

Meditation Summer Festival Week 1

Week 1 Summer Meditation Summer Festival with Prashantam. Keyword: PLAYFULNESS. Join in and discover the beauty and immensity …

Meditation Summer Festival week 2

We explore energy and the forms in which it expresses itself. Opening to energy means contacting its vital source.. Keyword: ENERGY..

Meditation Summer Festival Week 3

We explore how to rekindle the spark of joy in the little things in life and how to open our eyes to look in a new way. Keyword: CELEBRATION

Meditation Summer Festival week 4

A week of Metaphysical Dance, Heart, Meditations and Deep Stretching to walk in trust on the path of YES…

Meet ‘n Talk in Presence

To discover the practice of presence applied to communication and relationships in a concrete way, changing the perception of…

Meeting with Meditation

Often unknowingly, you begin searching for an answer to the existential question, “Who am I?” With this question, always present…

Men’s Liberation

Men’s Liberation Retreat is an intense, fun and stimulating 3 step process – for men who want to explore deeply into what it means to be a man…