The groups on growth, body awareness, artistic expression and meditation born around Osho are famous throughout the world, both for the expertise of the facilitators, and for that quid made of celebration, silence and inner space which is the unique contribution given by the message of the Master.
The typical day

21 Days of Transformation with Dynamic Meditation
Don’t miss: 21 Days of Transformation with Dynamic Meditation, the technique that revolutionized the world of meditation.

A Touch of Love
Touch is not a technique to learn. It is presence, love, it is first of all love for oneself, it is innocence, curiosity, sensitivity…

Abandonment, Jealousy and Loss
Abandonment, Jealousy and Loss: The Gateway to Deeper Connection is a seminar is an in-depth exploration of the wound of abandonment.

Abandonment, Jealousy and Loss
Abandonment, Jealousy and Loss: The Gateway to Deeper Connection is a seminar is an in-depth exploration of the wound of aband ?

An experiential journey on the theme of love, vital energy at the basis of personal well-being and valuable relationships with others…

Art and Soul Trekk Day
Slow steps, deep breathing and inner listening… we move along an easy path suitable for all those who love walking in nature…

Atisha: the 7 Doors to Meditation
Atisha: the 7 doors to meditation is a Retreat based on Osho’s comments and explanations to Atisha’s 11th-century Tibetan text…

Attachment Strategies and Traumas OFC Advanced I – 1° module
Strategies of attachment developed in the relationship with the figures who took care of us in childhood. The traumatic events that…

Attachment Strategies and Traumas OFC Advanced Training I – 2° module
It is the second module of an advanced specialization contellation training for those who have already completed the Basic Training…

AUM Experience: Your InnerRevolution
“Love is always the answer”- Veeresh. Saturday: AUM Meditation, a journey through the entire spectrum of human emotions…

Awaken the Energy!
You experience the possibility of living in contact with a greater amount of life energy, learning to perceive how it flows within you…

Bardo Thodol
To listen, absorb, meditate, and understand these precious instruction on the death process is essential, an immense contribute to our…