Tantric Pulsation Experience

DURATION: 2 anni



Leead by:

Aneesha Dillon

Aneesha Dillon, American-born, trained in neo-Reichian education with Charles Kelley at the Radix...


This four-modules experience at the same time delicate, powerful and deep, is based on the breath and bodywork of Wilhelm Reich and inspired by the tantric energy meditations transmitted by Osho in his extensive teachings on Tantra.

Central to Tantric Pulsation is the Reichian concept of life energy or bio-energy, which flows through the body as we express our emotions, our creativity, and interact with the world.

Tantric Pulsation is an exploration of human energy and a rediscovery of our body’s natural capacity to feel and enjoy pleasure inits own flowing vitality and  inner aliveness.

When this energy is felt and expressed through the first chakra, we call it sexual energy.

But sexuality is just one of the many expressions of life energy. Love, expansion, spontaneity, joy and intuition are some of the other qualities we can open to as we awaken our life energy. As we become more sensitive to the vitality that flows through the body and the chakras, we can gradually open to our natural energies in receptivity, melting, letting- go, trust and acceptance.

Tantric Pulsation is a method to help us to include the quality of meditation in our intimate meetings with another.

We will learn to welcome and experiment the precious qualities of loving presence, silence, non- doing, sensitivity, compassion and acceptance in our intimate meetings with the other.

A soft, powerful and deep process to slow down, shifting awareness from the busy, thinking mind and the world outside towards an inner space much more connected to the feeling and grounded into the body and the breath.

To register for the last 2 module Tantric Pulsation Experience, it is request an interview.

To continue further with training to teach Tantric Pulsation, the following groups are required:

“Opening to Feeling” or at least one week of the “Osho Pulsation Basic Training”
“Energy is Delight”
Supervision week and an Internship week.

“Tantra is alchemy, it can transform your centers, those of the other, can create rhythm and harmony between you and your beloved”.  OSHO

Leead by:

Aneesha Dillon

Aneesha Dillon, American-born, trained in neo-Reichian education with Charles Kelley at the Radix...

Moduls and schedule

Tantric Pulsation Experience 1

When the energy starts to flow again, we can become more aware of the subtler layer of the second body, the energetic body…

Il corso è in attesa di una nuova programmazione, scrivici per ulteriori info.

Tantric Pulsation Experience 2

In a protected space we can explore, in depth, the different practices and partner meditations that Tantric Pulsation teaches…

Il corso è in attesa di una nuova programmazione, scrivici per ulteriori info.

Tantric Pulsation Experience 3

The third module is for those whowant to leanr how to lead Tantric Pulsation events. By creating meditations, leading structures and…

dal 10 April, 2025 ore 10:00
al 16 April, 2025 ore 16:30

Tantric Pulsation Experience 4

The last module includes the participation in a 5-days Tantric Pulsation workshop. This experience will give to the future teachers a…

dal 12 August, 2025 ore 10:00
al 19 August, 2025 ore 14:00