The Osho Diamond Breath® is a holistic therapy method with a fusion of Western therapy and Eastern Meditation. It shifts the focus of therapy from the mind to meditation and opens up a new path for personal growth.
The art and science of inner transformation through bodywork and deep breathing techniques has become an essential part of today’s professional therapy.
This Training offers you a deep understanding of the breath to improve your well-being and your relationships. It is the basis for breath therapy work rooted in meditation.
Training is a 3-week experience that you can attend either all together or one module at a time.
Every year you can participate in one of the three modules or in all three. Through the three modules you learn the basics of the Osho Diamond Breath© method.
As you experience your personal process you also experience giving and/or receive an individual breathwork session. You are guided ever deeper into the work and learn an innovative and effective therapeutic method.
Whether you are interested in Basic Training, Internship or Assistantship, you have the opportunity to experience the transformative power of breath and deepen your understanding.
Breath Therapy Training takes place on three levels:
The Internship and Assistantship offer a professional level, deepening the techniques you learn in the Basic Training. You learn to offer breath therapy to others by conducting one-on-one sessions or short exploration events.
Each level comprises three modules:
MODULE 1 Breathing in Life
You learn more about Breath Therapy, Body-Mind Therapy and Dynamic Stress Release. Power Breathing methods gives you a profound experience of the work of the human breath and an exploration of the profound connections between healing, well-being and spiritual awakening.
You learn a beautiful therapeutic method for great stress release, emotional awareness and inner transformation.
It teach effective therapy for stress release, awareness of the functioning of emotions and inner transformation. It allow you to look deeply into the unconscious mind and bring old traumas to light to become aware of them.
MODULE 2 Born in Love
Experience Tantric Breath and Osho Birth Integration. The ODB® Osho Diamond Breath school offers sophisticated breathing techniques for the exploration of the early stages of life and the understanding of any related traumas connected to them. In the light of conscious breathing you can overcome traumas and states of anxiety dating back to the very first years of life.
MODULE 3 The Three Keys to Awareness
You learn more about the stages of the Prenatal phase, the Dance of Conception and the Oceanic Breath. In this module you explore the deepest unconscious imprints on your breath before birth – prenatal life, conception and your last death in your former life time. Life develops following the waves of energy created by your breathing.
Just as you breathe, you grow from sex to love, live your relationships and finally let yourself go into the process of dying.
Through the Connected Deep Breathing Method, some bioenergetic techniques and active meditations, you can free your body from tension and emotional burdens.
The Osho Diamond Breath© training uses breathing, dance, creative expression, energy work, some Primal techniques and active meditations. In an atmosphere of presence and without judgment, you experience firsthand how the alchemy of transformation works.
You becoming familiar with how this method works as you experience yourself in a process of renewal.
As you go through this process, you have the potential to become more aware of your body, more relaxed, more open, and more joyful.
You explore the energies of the first five chakras and their related themes. You experience the perception of the energy of the subtle bodies connected to each chakra and expand your ability to feel. You open up to the possibility of bringing greater clarity to the various areas of your life.
Learn energy reading techniques, you increase your awareness of how energy moves. You study body language and learn to read what is happening internally in yourself and in others.
You enrich your body movements and gestures and expand your ability to communicate.
Get comfortable letting your emotions flow spontaneously and learn to modulate their intensity. You explore your vitality, fire energy, intensity, wholeness.
Investigate experiences or ideas that are holding you back from being fully alive.
The practice of meditation, being present to the energy that is released and witnessing the way it moves in the body-mind system are the keys that lead you to the depths of your inner being.
For Chinese people – Please, Contact in Chinese: Zia, 小众
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