2. The objective of the Association is social, civil and cultural and is concerned with ethical and spiritual research. The Association has a voluntary nature.
The objective of the Association is to develop socially useful activities for the benefit of members and of third parties without intention of gain and in the full respect of the freedom and dignity of members. Expressly excluded from the aims of the Association is the management of the financial interests of members. The Association is forbidden to distribute, directly or indirectly, profits, as well as cash reserves or capital, except in the case that their distribution and destination is decreed by law. Any profits at the end of the year must be utilized for the realization of institutional objectives or for activities directly connected with the institution. After deliberation by the Board of Directors (Consiglio Direttivo), the Association may join with other associations, societies or cooperatives, as and when it is considered useful for the management of the Association and for the achievement of its social objective.
3. The term of the Association is unlimited.
4.The Association has as its fundamental objective that of creating conditions for the harmonious development of the spiritual potential of the individual:
a) by cultivating and experimenting with conditions of community and collective life which allow greater consideration to be paid to the relationship between individuals;
b) by seeking forms of greater integration of people with nature;
c) by stimulating the appreciation in people for the values of beauty and creativity.
In the pursuit of these objectives, the Association proposes:
(I) to spread the teachings of the spiritual master, Osho;
(II) to promote the study of various aspects of reality, as it is represented in the traditions of religious and philosophical thought of every age;
(III) to develop research in the techniques of meditation, with reference to the experiments conducted from western psychotherapy on the one hand and the eastern tradition of meditation on the other, both from the theoretical point of view and through direct experience.
(IV)to develop research and practice in holistic medicine in collaboration with professional practitioners and medical researchers, in addition to formulating a concrete example in an institutional structure.
(V) to set in motion initiatives in ecology and associated forms of life that might be included harmoniously in a natural context.
(VI) to promote research in arts and crafts in harmony with the aims of the Association, with particular regard to the exploration of creative transpersonal dimensions;
(VII) to promote and empower research and experimentation into techniques suitable for the development of consciousness and harmony of the individual, with residential groups in which staying in the accommodation provided by the Association is an intrinsic part of growth, as understood from the teachings of the spiritual master, Osho, who developed, amplified and adapted for modern man the major points of the eastern spiritual tradition, according to which meditation and searching are not just separate moments of awareness, that can be relegated to a few particular practices, but are a way of being which involves all the levels of expression of an individual in his capacity to love and interact creatively with beings around him, animate and inanimate. To extend therefore this self awareness of the individual, organizing groups and individual retreats and meditations, groups and individual sessions of bodywork techniques, of relaxation, of interpersonal dynamics, of creative activities, of dance and use of the voice, of work on the centres of life energy, of self healing, as well as interviews, courses, seminars and schools on these subjects;
(VIII) to help where and when conditions permit in the process of personal growth of individuals in conditions of marginalization.
(IX) to develop the practice and the experimentation of work as meditation, recognizing in any human activity the potential for research and discovery of the more profound parts of the self. To give back to work in this way its dignity, its sacredness, in the context of new forms of interpersonal relationship where work is not intended as a means to the satisfaction of personal needs but above all as the expression of human creativity and the unique occasion to ground the process of meditation in daily life. Work thus intended, insofar as it reflects the relationship of the individual with himself, with reality and with the other, becomes the single means by way of its multidimensionality, to explore the eternal basic question of spiritual seekers of every era: who am I?
(X) to cultivate contact with other Osho communities on an international level and in particular with the Commune of Osho in Pune, India, the place of Osho’s Samadhi, the temple wherein are preserved his ashes.