“And this very body becomes a dance, a vibration, a streaming energy, a pulsation.”
OSHO, The Revolution.

An 'Adventurous Exploration and Understanding of Human Energy.

“You are a pulsation, not a dead entity, and that pulsation exists in a deep harmony with the real. But you have forgotten that pulsation. You have created a dead ego, a concept — I AM — and this I AM is always against the whole: defending itself, struggling, in conflict, in war. Hence the emphasis of all religions to dissolve the ego.” OSHO, Discourse Series Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

Osho Pulsation is a school, which proposes an exploration of human energy to awaken the body’s natural capacity to feel and rejoice in its own vitality and vibrancy.

Osho Pulsation is an approach that focuses on the physical body, its capacity to feel joy and pleasure. It is a work to bring sensitivity and awareness into intimate relationships with others, to open ourselves with deep trust and receptivity to the love we wish to give and receive.

Osho Pulsation is a method of work, which uses the bodywork, breath and energy release techniques of neo-Reichian body psychotherapy, within a broader context of Osho’s vision of therapy as preparatory work for meditation. The breath moves our energy and represents the link between the body and life.

In childhood, we have been conditioned to repress much of our life energy: anger, fear, sadness, sexuality and even joy, are some of the emotions that we have repressed and that have been unconsciously held in the muscles of the body in the form of tension, pain or numbness.

With Pulsation work you release muscular rigidity and tensions in the body and return vital energy to its centres. The release of old tensions opens you up to a new world of sensations and relaxation and the body becomes the gateway to meditation.

Bliss comes from spontaneity and letting go of tensions in each moment of our daily lives.

Osho’s active meditation techniques have the function of bringing everyone to totality, relaxation, awareness and to support the process of opening and deconditioning by providing a practical method to continue the work in one’s daily life.

Osho Pulsation offers courses open to everyone: weekend workshops, four-day workshops, week-long workshops, Basic Training, Advanced Training, Supervision groups.



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    “Just our being here is such a miracle. It cannot be explained why I am here, why you are here. Why these trees are here, why these stars are here. Why at all this universe exists, and goes on peopling itself with trees and birds and people. Why in the first place it is there, there is no way to know. It simply is there. But it inspires awe! It fills the heart with wonder. It is unbelievably true, it is incredible! It is absurd, but tremendously beautiful.
    Why it is there, there is no way to say, but it is there. And religion says: Don’t waste your time for the why. It is there: delight in it! Celebrate it! Be lost into it! And let it be lost into you. Meet it! Let the meeting be like two lovers entering into each other. Let it be an orgasmic experience.”

    OSHO, A Sudden Clash of Thunder

    “The first step happens within you – and when you have become one pulsation with no division, one wave of energy with no antagonizing, with no lower and no higher, with no choice, with no evaluation, with no judgement, when you are simply one, then happens the second step. When you are one you can see the one – only then can the one be seen. The eyes are clear then you have the clarity.”

    OSHO, Zen: The Path of Paradox


    “Beauty needs life, because beauty needs heartbeat, beauty needs pulsation, streaming, energy, vitality.”

    OSHO - The Forgotten Language

    “The bliss is not somewhere in the goal, it is here and now, just in the movement, just in the pulsation of being alive.”

    OSHO, The Supreme Doctrine

    “Sex is the original energy. And from sex there is a possibility of transformation, because sex gives you the first glimpses of samadhi. Sex lived totally, sex loved totally, will make you aware for the first time of the peak moments, of the climaxes.
    And on those sunlit peaks, great silence prevails; the ego has been dropped far behind in the valleys, time has disappeared somewhere on the way. You are no more separate; you are not a person but just a pulsation, a presence. Sex gives you moments of that experience when you are simply pulsating in rhythm with the whole. That pulsation is what orgasm is all about, and orgasm is the window to samadhi.”

    OSHO, The Fish in the Sea is not Thirsty


    “Nothing else is needed, just the pulsation of life is enough. If you can pulsate with it, it becomes a deep inner dance. Meditation is a dance of your energy, and breath is the key.”

    OSHO, The Guest

    “Then you are nothing but a pulsation of existence itself, just a ripple in the lake of this infinite consciousness.”

    OSHO, The Secret


    “And then a pulsation happens, and you feel you are pulsating with the universe, you have found the universal rhythm.”

    OSHO, The Supreme Doctrine

    “Meditation is a dance of your energy, and breath is the key”.

    OSHO, The Guest