Osho Pulsation is a school, which proposes an exploration of human energy to awaken the body’s natural capacity to feel and rejoice in its own vitality and vibrancy.
Osho Pulsation is an approach that focuses on the physical body, its capacity to feel joy and pleasure. It is a work to bring sensitivity and awareness into intimate relationships with others, to open ourselves with deep trust and receptivity to the love we wish to give and receive.
Osho Pulsation is a method of work, which uses the bodywork, breath and energy release techniques of neo-Reichian body psychotherapy, within a broader context of Osho’s vision of therapy as preparatory work for meditation. The breath moves our energy and represents the link between the body and life.
In childhood, we have been conditioned to repress much of our life energy: anger, fear, sadness, sexuality and even joy, are some of the emotions that we have repressed and that have been unconsciously held in the muscles of the body in the form of tension, pain or numbness.
With Pulsation work you release muscular rigidity and tensions in the body and return vital energy to its centres. The release of old tensions opens you up to a new world of sensations and relaxation and the body becomes the gateway to meditation.
Bliss comes from spontaneity and letting go of tensions in each moment of our daily lives.
Osho’s active meditation techniques have the function of bringing everyone to totality, relaxation, awareness and to support the process of opening and deconditioning by providing a practical method to continue the work in one’s daily life.
Osho Pulsation offers courses open to everyone: weekend workshops, four-day workshops, week-long workshops, Basic Training, Advanced Training, Supervision groups.