An opportunity for everyone. For those approaching active meditation techniques for the first time and for those who have been meditating for a longer period.


A Miasto consultant will make his or her experience available and support you in choosing from the many proposals on the calendar, what is appropriate for you based your actual needs.


You can treat yourself to a full immersion in silence and celebration by spending a weekend in Osho Miasto, immersed in the quiet nature of the Tuscan hills. Thanks to the careful guidance of expert facilitators, Meditation Experience offers a weekend dedicated to active meditation, with an intense program and a rich range of events, to be experienced freely, with passion and totality. Between one activity and another, you can go for walks or simply relax and enjoy the tranquility that surrounds Miasto. The good vegetarian cuisine and the friendly atmosphere help to make your days joyful and pleasant and help you regenerate your energy. Participation in the Meditation Experience is free for people under the age of 25.


Are you interested in starting on the path of inner search, but you don’t know what and how to choose what is right for you? Take advantage of the opportunity of a ONE TO ONE interview.

“Meditation is not something you do in the morning and you are finished with it, meditation is something that you have to go on living every moment of your life. Walking, sleeping, sitting, talking, listening – it has to become a kind of climate. A relaxed person remains in it. A person who goes on dropping the past remains meditative.”
Osho, The Heart Sutra