Trust and Self Love: Introduction to Zen Counseling




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This course, although part of Zen Counseling Training, is accessible to all, as a complete workshop in itself.

In these days we learn how to connect again with inner and and outer resources and discover love for ourselves, confidence and trust. Rather than being focused on what is missing, we learn to recognise our own unique inner qualities that we have been gifted with.

When we heal old wounds from childhood experiences of being criticised or judged and learn to re-connect with our true strength and natural self love, we gain at the same time the ability to be more present and centered when being with clients or other people in general. Then we become capable to nourish what is already healthy in the other and our approach in helping people becomes less problem and more resource oriented.

We will also practise communication skills that support self-awareness and self confidence and in this way create a loving and healing energy field. Rather than being goal-oriented, we rejoice in spontaneous expression that arises out of presence. In this way our life becomes more a celebration rather than a problem that needs fixing.

“Yes, my therapists are the best in the world, for the simple reason that other therapists are only therapists, they are not meditators. My therapists are meditators too. Therapy is a superficial thing. It can help to clean the ground, but just to have a clean ground is not to have a garden. You will need something more.”  OSHO, Light on the Path


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Svagito is a therapist and spritual teacher, who combines therapy with meditation and mindfulness....


