This workshop is a journey into the mysteries of ancient Indian wisdom. These techniques are the answers that Shiva was giving to Parvati in answer to her questions about the meaning of life and how to live consciously.
Osho has translated these methods into modern-day language for us to experiment and to practice these techniques in our daily activities.
We will explore how our busy minds take us into past and future and we miss the moment.
Moving from thinking to feeling, from head to heart is the easiest way to be present
and there is more than one method to help us experience this.
- The capacity to see with fresh eyes the magic in life.
- Many tools to live life in a more conscious and loving way.
- Meditations and methods designed for practicing in daily life.
Method, techniques used, practices, meditations, exercises and explorations
Osho’s active meditations, as well as meditations from The Book of Secrets – an ancient tantric text of 112 meditations. Discussions and sharing with questions and answers. The course is experiential.
This workshop can be for beginners as well as people who are experienced in meditation.
Some familiarity with Osho’s Book of Secrets will also help.
Marco playing live music creates a relaxed, joyful and loving atmosphere to the workshop.
“The day you understand you can create your own reality, then it is up to you, you can be blissful, you can be miserable, you can create hell and you can create heaven, whatsoever you want.
The word magic is meaningful. It is the oldest science in the world, and the people who lived with magical ideas were the liveliest people, the pagans.
Once this is understood that we create our world, that it is our mind-projection, that whatsoever comes on the screen is projected by us once this is understood, then there is no problem. If you want to see a horrible thing you can, that is your decision, your joy to see it.” OSHO, Far Beyond the Stars