You have probably heard of the chakras at least once in your life.
The work with the chakras basically consists of going through a series of steps for one’s personal growth, having a map that guides a path of development with a precise method: the work on one’s own rootedness, the work on the deepest fears related to survival, the theme of recognising one’s own emotions, one’s own needs, what we like and what disturbs us, the theme of personal power, becoming more and more sensitive in perceiving oneself and the world.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, disc or circle.
Chakras are described as vortices of energy that are located along an energy pathway that runs within the spinal column. They are points of collection and transformation of prana, the life energy, and are responsible for absorbing this energy and distributing it among the many functions that enable us to live.
There are up to 114 different chakras, but of these seven are the main ones and they are the ones that our exploration in this course refers to.
These seven chakras are distributed along the spine, from the base of the coccyx to the top of the head.
Although we have given them a specific location, the chakras are not part of our physical body but of our subtle body, that body made up of infinite energy structures, energy movements, shapes and colours that also influence our physical body.
Before something takes shape on the physical level it exists as energy, which is why knowledge of the chakras can be very useful for working with well-being, balance and health as well. By learning to stimulate them we improve their state and maintain a good quality of energy flowing through them.
It is very simple. The chakras are energy centres that connect body, mind and spirit through energy.
When the chakras function harmoniously, energy can flow freely, bringing positive effects to both body and mind, which is why it is very important that the chakras always remain well-functioning.
On a physical level, the chakras correspond to the nerve plexuses and are responsible for the functioning of our organs.
On a subtle level, they correspond to the fundamental qualities for the harmonious development of the being. They represent the different evolutionary stages of the human being and their order is not random: they start from the most material to the most subtle to indicate a path that begins in matter and gradually arrives at a more expanded knowledge and awareness.
Each chakra has its own unique characteristics and each chakra is influenced by the lower one, just as it in turn influences the higher one.
We explore the main characteristics of each chakra, the qualities in light and those in shadow to begin to get an overview of ourselves.
All chakras, except the seventh, have qualities and dysfunctions. In the world of energy, everything is in motion. Everything is born in harmony, but encounters with experiences, conditioning and beliefs create distortions and disharmony. We gradually lose the original state of stillness of our being.
It is separation that creates the deepest pain of being, especially when we separate from our natural essence and uniqueness.
In this course, you have the opportunity to recognise that you are made up of many aspects, all of which combine to create your uniqueness.
We start from the first chakra, the foundation, the roots, necessary to anchor ourselves and sink our feet into the ground. From there we take flight on a journey towards the divine, which shows us our beauty and uniqueness.
This course allows us to relax into what is known and from there to go and look lovingly at what is kept hidden.
We go beyond duality to integrate opposites: there is light and there is shadow and both are necessary to recognise each other.
Identifying and recognising the different aspects in order to integrate oneself, going beyond duality, is the aim of this work.
The course stems from the experience of metaphysics and energy movements. We use active meditative techniques from the world of Osho, body exercises, dance, explorations relevant to each energy centre. In addition, sharing spaces allow one to mirror oneself in the other and reacquaint oneself with forgotten aspects of oneself.
The course is open to all, no previous experience is necessary.
You can approach this course with all the curiosity you are capable of towards yourself.
Curiosity towards oneself is an attitude that creates the right space for a YES to emerge: when that yes is born from a direct experience, it becomes a yes to life, every day.
The atmosphere created between participants in the course is one of loving understanding. An atmosphere in which to share one’s own experiences and understandings in openness.
We can imagine ourselves as a tree. In order to grow we need deep roots that support the journey upwards, show our fruits and our unique beauty.
Just as in nature one tree is not the same as another, each human being is unique and unrepeatable.
Starting from the roots, we discover what we need to manifest our essence. Reaching into the space of the heart, we integrate the journey we have made.
The space of the heart allows us to accept experience for what it is as it is without any conditions, recognising how any experience has been important to our growth. The journey to the trust of the unknown will open the door for our inner voice to connect with the intuition that comes from the deepest core of that voice until we reach that space of no-mind where Meditation can happen.
“Man is a rainbow, I say, because a rainbow will give you the total perspective in which man can be understood — from the lowest to the highest. The rainbow has seven colors, man has seven centers of his being. The allegory of the seven is very ancient. In India, the allegory has taken the form of seven chakras: the lowest is Muladhar and the highest is Sahasrar and between these two are five steps, five more chakras. And man has to pass through all these seven chakras — seven steps towards the divine.” OSHO, The Divine Melody