Osho Meditation Training 2




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Meditation has never been more needed in the world than it is today.

Everything in life is changing and moving so fast. We are bombarded with information from the media, internet, advertising, social networks. There seems to be no time to digest everything.

The benefits of meditation – such as relaxation, and disconnecting from our busy mind, are essential.

In the OSHO Meditation Training I, we practiced the skills of meditation counselling, answering questions about meditation, and group dynamics.

In this Training part II we go deeper into these skills with more practice with partners, and you will have the opportunity to facilitate, and participate, in Osho’s most important active meditations.

It is an experiential training that also includes a part of teaching and theory. You will receive a handout containing quote by Osho on the subject and a summary of the techniques we practice.

Osho says, “The best way to learn is to teach.” You don’t have to wait to be enlightened to be able to present Osho’s active techniques and transmit his vision. However, this transmission needs to be rooted in your personal meditation experience.

Osho’s “Book of Secrets”, is 112 ancient tantric techniques that Osho has talked extensively about. During this Training you will learn how to work with these methods, either as an addition to your work with people or simply for yourself.

Osho Vipassana Meditation will also be covered and you will learn how to facilitate a retreat.

The scientific support and benefits of meditation are part of the section where we will share about promoting and taking meditation into the ‘marketplace’.

The Osho Meditation Training is for people who are already working with people and wish to add meditation for their clients. And also for people who wish to take meditation into businesses or meditation centers.

Many people enjoy this course simply as a way to deepen their own meditation.

If you have not attended OSHO Meditation Training I then it may be possible to attend part II, after you connect with Prem Shunyo, through the Osho Miasto Group Office.



Shunyo e Veet Marco

Prem Shunyo has been a sannyasin since 1974 and lived alongside Osho for a long time, taking care of...



Shunyo e Veet Marco