Maha Osho Vipassana




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Maha Osho Vipassana is a rare opportunity to see what is possible when you give this time and space of meditation to yourself, away from the usual busy life. When we meditate together we energetically support each other. Imagine what can happen when so many individuals who are about to become Buddhas live together in silence, sitting in Vipassana for seven days!

Through awareness of the breath you can watch, without getting involved, as your mind’s dramas slow down. Your thinking process settles when you withdraw your attention and involvement with it. It also brings to the surface and dissolves deep-seated complexes and tensions. It is a deep cleaning. Osho Vipassana is known as an insight meditation. An insight is an understanding that can happen, not through thinking, but through giving the thinking process a rest. In insight meditation you ‘know’ rather than think. To know an object during vipassana meditation means to experience it with nonverbal awareness. You merely register the sensation with impartial attention, without identifying, judging or describing it.

Of course, the greatest results come through continued practice, but within these seven days the essentials of vipassana can be learned and experienced so that it can be applied in daily life. It is really a meditation for the market place, and once you get the knack of watching the breath then you can take it into everyday life. Simply to be inactive is already an invitation for the body-mind to relax. We will be in silence totally for the seven days, and this will include not using the computer, or telephone.

“This place is holy. Where ten thousand buddhas are just melting in their consciousness into each other – it has become a lake of consciousness, without any ripples. Gather as much life juice, collect all the wild flowers, before you return back. Slowly, slowly your circumference and center will come closer. And one day, suddenly, the circumference will disappear and only the center will remain. That will be your realization of the buddha. One step more beyond that, and your center also disappears. This nothingness beyoun the center is not empty, it is the greatest benediction; it makes you the whole univers ”. OSHO, Hyakujo: The Everest of Zen



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