Ecstatic Tantric Pulsation



THEMES: , , , ,

from 3 January hour 10:00
to 6 January hour 16:30

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A path that uniquely integrates structure, freedom of movement and meditation. An exploration of vital energy to rediscover the connection between body, pleasure and intimacy.

This approach stems from the encounter between the structured work of Pulsation, based on the studies of Wilhelm Reich, the free and conscious movement of Ecstatic Dance and the Tantric meditation techniques taken from the ancient text Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, commented by Osho.

Through Pulsation and Conscious Dance it is possible to deeply connect with the body, sensations and stored memories, creating a space for expression and receptivity.

Receptivity is essential to taste the intimacy and subtle energy that characterising the tantra path.

The body, feeling and senses are centreal to this experience.

Movements and neo-reiki structures guide participants towards a physical and emotional expression that brings the body-mind system back to a natural state of relaxation in which a feeling of wholeness is experienced.

Free dance can help you expand your vital energy, sensuality and experience a primal spontaneity.

From outward expression, we move on to an inner exploration.

 In a space of trust and acceptance, listening and meditation techniques guide participants towards intimacy and the discovery of Tantric energy.

This complete journey into the body allows participants to explore their physical potential and develop a new vision of intimacy, both with themselves and with a partner.

The workshop is open to everyone, both beginners and experts


Ecstatic Dance is a form of artistic expression and movement rooted in the free and improvised Dance culture. This practice differs from traditional Dance in that it does not follow fixed choreographic rules or specific styles but focuses on expressing oneself through authentic and spontaneous movement.

The key to Ecstatic Dance is freedom of expression: there are no rigid rules, no judgments on dance styles or individual abilitiy.

It is an inclusive practice open to people of all ages and physical abilities, and has gained popularity as a form of moving meditation, in which the body becomes the medium through which

one explores one’s inner self.

DJ Dan Rohi accompanies the dances.

Saturday evening includes an Ecstatic Dance Event open to participants external to the group.


“Shiva’s approach is that of the feeling, of the heart. The feeling has to be transformed. Love has to be transformed so that it becomes prayer. On Shiva’s way, the devotee and the deity remain, the BHAKTA and BHAGWAN remain. At the ultimate peak they both disappear into each other. Listen to it carefully: when Shiva’s Tantra reaches to its ultimate orgasm. I is dissolved into thou, and thou is dissolved into I – they are both together, they become one unity.
When Saraha’s Tantra reaches to its ultimate peak, the recognition is: neither you are right, neither you are true, neither you exist, nor I – both disappear. There are two zeros meeting – not I and thou, neither I nor thou. Two zeros, two empty spaces dissolve into each other; because the whole effort on Saraha’s path is how to dissolve thought, and I and thou are parts of thought.
When thought is utterly dissolved, how can you call yourself l? And whom will you call your God? God is part of thought, it is a thought-creation, a thought-construct, a mind-construct. So all mind-constructs dissolve and SHOONYA, emptiness, arises.
On Shiva’s path you no more love the form, you no more love the person – you start loving the whole existence. The whole existence becomes your thou; you are addressed to the whole existence. Possessiveness is dropped, jealousy is dropped, hatred is dropped – all that is negative in feeling is dropped. And the feeling becomes purer and purer. A moment comes when there is pure love. In that moment of pure love, you dissolve into thou and thou dissolves into you. You ALSO disappear. but you disappear not like two zeros, you disappear as the beloved disappears into the lover and the lover disappears into the beloved.” OSHO, The Tantra Vision 



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