Deconditioning: from Conditioning to Creativity




from 18 June hour 10:00
to 22 June hour 16:30

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This deconditioning course is designed to realise how loaded we are with prejudices and conditioning passed on to us by parents, relatives, school and society in general.

To expand awareness, in this course, is to realise the weight and constraint that prejudices and conditioning exert on us, investigating all the ‘I must, I should, this is right, this is wrong’.

Realising together, as a group, that:

  • we all have the same conditioning;
  • conditionings are the result of a general, ancestral fear;
  • being free to be who we are is a risk and a danger.

The purpose of this course is to become aware and note all this, not only on a logical and mental level but also on a physical and energetic level.

We begin to glimpse a way out by turning within ourselves, by contacting, perhaps for the first time, our inner world and its resources.

If this happens under the banner of loving awareness, unravelling and freeing ourselves from prejudices and conditioning is exciting and inspiring.

When you open your mind, you see new possibilities for guiding yourself through life creatively and positively.

You feel greatly relieved of a past that is not only familiar or personal but, above all, collective, and you look at yourself with entirely new eyes.

The environment created in the course is constructive; the atmosphere is one of loving cooperation.


“Bliss is something very natural. If you stop creating misery you are blissful; it is not something that has to be invented by you. It is the same energy that becomes misery. Don’t invest it in misery at all. Don’t put your energy into jealousy, into hatred, into anger, into possessiveness. Withdraw it from all those stupid things. If you withdraw your energy from all stupid investments you are so full of energy, throbbing with energy, dancing with energy, you cannot contain it. You have to dance, you have to rejoice! You have to love, you have to laugh. It starts overflowing.”
OSHO, Darshan Diaries – The Miracle  


Self Love Program

The statement “love yourself” is becoming more and more widespread….and we probably think that just saying it is enough to make love happen..



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