Clay: The Sense of Touch




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Clay: The Sense Of Touch” is a pottery and meditation workshop inspired by antique techniques.

Sumito’s Art Therapy is based on meditation and focused on putting you in touch with your essence. It helps you to discover a state of presence that guides you beyond the mind and pushes you to create spontaneously in absolute freedom. Whatever you create becomes the mirror of your present moment. The creative act comes from intuition, and intuition comes from a space of inner silence.

In this workshop, we model clay and meditate. We work together to raise an awareness of our perception, especially through the sense of touch.
Touch guides our clay modelling with precision: it gives us a sense of depth, of weight, of shape, and a sense of matter and makes us perceive the outside world.

When we refer to the sense of touch, we must remember that there is a level of tactile perception that goes beyond what we commonly experience on our skin. A level which is called the resonance space. During our life, we often experience resonance, but normally it is hidden behind a thick blanket of prejudices, ideas, likes and dislikes that envelope our perception.

The intention of this workshop is to bring us back in contact with the space of resonance through meditation and feeling through  our hands.

Clay has infinite artistic and therapeutic possibilities. It allows us to enter immediately into a relationship with ourselves precisely through touch.

It helps us to include the space of resonance more and more in our lives.

All creations express our interiority.

Together we create objects or sculptures that give us both artistic and individual satisfaction, reflecting our feeling of that moment.

During this workshop, we bring attention to our body with different meditation techniques and, through presence and feeling, we let ourselves flow into the expression of grace and beauty. Through the sense of touch, we enter into a process of transformation: creative energy becomes love.

“Creativity is becoming silent and discovering one’s being.” OSHO



Deva Sumito

Deva Sumito is an artist who graduated from the Istituto D’Arte in Venice. She is also an Art...



Deva Sumito