Degree course Counseling in Psychodance Therapy Metaphysical Dance®
Una danza che ti porta oltre il visibile, che trascende ciò che è fisico trasformandolo in energia e va oltre l’energia, al centro di te..
Una danza che ti porta oltre il visibile, che trascende ciò che è fisico trasformandolo in energia e va oltre l’energia, al centro di te..
In this training you work deeply on yourself. Discover how energy affects every aspect of your life. Deepen your knowledge of yourself and..
LIFE WORTH LIVING, is meant for those who wish to create a more sustainable, inclusive world where happiness, creativity and love can exist…
The art of Shiatsu is the best technique to begin a process towards complete well-being, firstly because acupressure is..
A training to become master of your life. A path to deeply know yourself. A way to heal by yourself your own…
It is the Advanced Training I of Family Constellation to recover vital energy and develop truer and deeper relationships…
Osho Miasto created MAP with the aim of offering a path of awareness, which develops throughout the year, from April to November…
The statement “love yourself” is becoming more and more widespread….and we probably think that just saying it is enough to make love happen..
A deep experiential journey: three individually accessible modules, each as a complete experience in itself…
This training teaches the essential therapeutic attitude and inner skills that are needed to support a client to move beyond mind…