Degree course for Counseling in Psychodance Therapy Metaphysical Dance® 3rd YEAR
A method with a holistic experiential approach to address and recognize discomforts of emotional, cognitive and behavioral origin..
A method with a holistic experiential approach to address and recognize discomforts of emotional, cognitive and behavioral origin..
Are you creative, or do you become creative? Society leads us to believe that the correct answer is the second, but we think that the….
Living life in a state of Well-Being means recognizing that you have more energy available, activating joy and vitality, bringing serenity…
We all long to be heard and seen; to include instead of separate; to love ourselves and others openly and fully…
Being vulnerable does not mean being weak. Being vulnerable requires courage and strength in showing ourselves who we are to the people…
Being grounded in the body will allow you to feel your self, live intensely and ride on the wave of your energy towards love and awareness…
A journey to discover secret and hidden aspects of your energy. A continuous discovery of who you are and who is the other…
A powerful transformation process that uses dance, expression, self-acceptance and meditation. It is meditation in action.
In this Training, we want to share our understanding and our exprerience of 30 years or work on Primal issues around the field …
We will learn to explore and give systemic responses to a client’s discomfort through the use of Individual Systemic Constellations…