“Do you remember your breathing? You remember only when there is some trouble: you have a cold, breathing trouble or something; otherwise, who remembers breathing?”
OSHO, A Sudden Clash of Thunder


Once you learn to breathe deeply again, a world of possibilities opens up.

Breathwork is an active experiential practice that uses conscious exercises to improve your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Many different breath techniques are practiced in various spiritual traditions. Breath is a crucial component of meditation. During meditative practice, the breath can be used to be “present to the present moment.”

We use the breath as a tool to develop awareness of ourself, our mental and emotional state.

By watching the act of breathing, you observe the breath entering and the breath leaving the body, without trying to control or change it.

As you observe your breath, you can become aware of the thoughts, emotions and sensations emerging in your mind and body, without judgment or reaction.

Breathing deeply and slowly promotes relaxation of the body and mind.

In some meditation techniques, such as Vipassana meditation, breath awareness can be used to deepen the practice, developing a deeper understanding of the impermanent nature of all experience.

While you practice active meditation techniques, breath observation helps stabilize the mind, develop awareness, and promote widespread general well-being.

Integrating conscious breathing into your daily meditative practice can help you calm the swirl of emotions, achieve greater mental clarity and develop a more authentic and deeper connection with yourself.



    * campi obbligatori


    “The first thing will be that breathing can be taken in two ways because it is a bridge.
    One part of it is joined with you, another part is joined with existence. So it can be understood in two ways. You can take it as a voluntary thing. If you want to inhale deeply, you can inhale deeply; if you want to exhale deeply, you can exhale deeply. You can do something about it. One part is joined with you. But if you don’t do anything, then too it continues. No need for you to do anything and it continues. It is non-voluntary also.
    No need for you to do anything and it continues. It is non-voluntary also.

    The other part is joined with existence itself. You can think of it as if you are taking it in, you are breathing it, or you can think in just the opposite way — that it is breathing you. And the other way has to be understood because that will lead you into deep relaxation. It is not that you are breathing, but existence is breathing you. It is a change of gestalt, and it happens on its own. If you go on relaxing, accepting everything, relaxing into yourself, by and by, suddenly, you become aware that you are not taking these breaths — they are coming and going on their own. And so gracefully. With such dignity. With such rhythm. With such harmonious rhythm. Who is doing it? Existence is breathing you. It comes into you, goes out of you. Each moment it rejuvenates you, each moment it makes you alive again and again and again.
    Suddenly you see breathing as a happening… and this is how meditation should grow.”

    OSHO, Ancient Music in the Pines


    “You and your breathing are not two things: you are the breathing, the breathing is you. You breathe and the breathing breathes you: they are inseparable.”

    OSHO, Come Follow To You

    “I am breathing. The breath inside me is me, but just a moment before it may have been your breath. It must have been because we are breathing in a common atmosphere. We are all breathing into each other; we are members of each other. You are breathing in me, I am breathing in you.

    And it is not only so with breathing, it is exactly so with life. Have you watched? With certain people you feel very alive, they come just bubbling with energy. And something happens in you, a response, and you are also bubbling. And then there people…just their face and one feels one will flop down. Just their presence is enough poison. They must be pouring something into you which is poisonous. And when you come around a person and you become radiant and happy and suddenly something starts throbbing in your heart, and your heart beats faster, this man must have poured something into you.”  

    OSHO, Dang Dang Doko Dang


    “A deep, relaxed breathing, an awareness of it, gives you such tremendous silence, relaxation, that by and by you simply merge, melt, disappear. You are no longer a separate island, you start vibrating with the whole. Then you are not a separate note but part of this whole symphony. ”

    OSHO, Ancient Music in the Pines


    “For instance, you breathe. You take a breath in; then you exhale, you breathe out. Are you afraid of breathing out, because who knows, it may not come back? You trust. You trust it will come. Of course there is no reason to trust, what is the reason? Why should it come back? You can at the most say that in the past it has been happening so — but that is not a guarantee. It may not happen in the future.

    If you become afraid of breathing out because it may not come back, then you will hold your breath in. That’s what belief is — clinging, holding. But if you hold your breath in, your face will go purple and you will feel suffocated. And if you go on doing that, you will die.

    All beliefs suffocate and all beliefs help you not to be really alive. They deaden your being.

    If you exhale, you trust in life. The Buddhist word ‘nirvana’ simply means exhaling, breathing out: trusting.”

    OSHO, Ancient Music in the Pines


    “The moment you breathe in and the moment you breathe out, both happen. Breathing in, life happens; breathing out, death happens. That’s why when a child is born the first thing he does is breathe in, then life starts.  

    And when an old man is dying, the last thing he does is breathe out, then life departs. Breathing out is death, breathing in is life — they are like two wheels of a bullock cart. You live by breathing in as much as you live by breathing out. The breathing out is part of breathing in. You cannot breathe in if you stop breathing out. You cannot live if you stop dying.”

    OSHO, The Art Of Dying