
Siddho has a doctorate in Social Psychology Science. In 1978 she met the spiritual master Osho and she spent many years working directly and actively in Osho Commune, experiencing meditation as a fundamental approach to life. She started to use therapy as a step towards meditation. Siddho deepened her studies in Ericksonian Hypnosis , NLP and Star Sapphire and also studied Family Constellation with Bert Hellinger method. She leads workshops for Women since eighteen years and offers trainings in Star Sapphire Energywork, Psychic Massage and Family Constellation in Europe and at the Osho Multiversity in Pune.

Attachment Strategies and Traumas OFC Advanced I
It is the Advanced Training I of Family Constellation to recover vital energy and develop truer and deeper relationships…

Osho Family Constellation Basic Training
Finding our individuality and going beyond our personality to be able to live our own life necessarily implies a deep work…

Success in Relations – Advanced Training II – Individual Constellations
In this Family Constallation Advanced we will learn to explore and give systemic responses to a client’s discomfort through the …

Supervision Individual Costellation
Trust, creative-relational expansion, change in various aspects of life, relationship with money, are some of the existential themes…