
Kapil Nino Pileri is a Holistic Counselor Trainer Supervisor enrolled in the register of the trade association OLOCOUNSELING trade association.
He facilitates the training on the Inner Judge and the the Awareness Intensive: Who is inside? and also facilitates the Dimensions of Being training.
He is a consultant for Who is In? and Satori (intensive awareness retreats).
He offers individual courses and sessions on the inner judge.
Since 2000, he has been teaching Cranio-Sacral Biodynamics throughout Italy. also working in various meditation centers. He is a teacher at the Holistic Academy at the Global Village aps. His background also includes NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Family Constellation and is an Osho Neo Reiki Master. He is the founder of the Cultural Association MU aps.

Inner Judge Training
It is focuses on the study and deepening of the functioning mechanisms of the superego and its relationship with the ego…