Experiential Astrology




from 3 January hour 10:00
to 6 January hour 16:30

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“Your being is never reflected in the eyes of others. Your being you have to come to know only in one way — and that is by closing your eyes to all the mirrors. You have to enter into your own inward existence, to face it directly. Nobody can give yo u any idea of it, what it is. You can know it, but not from others. It can never be a borrowed knowledge, it can only be a direct experience, a direct experiencing, immediate.” OSHO, The Discipline of Transcendence


Experiential Astrology is a method, it is a synthesis of the ancient science of Astrology with the modern technique 
of experiencing directly the zodiac symbols through gestalt and psychodrama.

In this workshop you will be able to feel the different parts of yourself that the planets and signs in your horoscope represent.

You will:

  • Experience the different effect that each one of these parts has on your body and on your mental and physical health.
  • Recognize the thought forms that originate from the different part and influence the unfolding of your daily life and your self image.
  • Learn to support the potential of each one of these parts, accepting both their harmonious aspects and the conflictual ones.

This workshop is open to everyone, both those who want to start learning a new approach to Astrology and those who want to experience a new approach to inner growth


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