The Art of Love and Relating: Healing Bonding Trauma




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As human beings we are born to bond and relate with others. This ability to bond supports us in times of stress, but we also carry the traumas that others have experienced. This often ties us to a trauma field of the past and our ability for healthy relating can be damaged.

In this course we will heal old wounds and strengthen our capacity to bond and relate. We learn about conscious love and how to grow into it when relating with others.

Part 2: Healing Bonding Trauma

Intimate relationships bring us in touch with childhood wounds and personal and collective traumas. This can be used as an opportunity  to overcome such wounds and not escape from them. The loving atmosphere of the group will create the safe space to process painful events of the past, gain an awareness why such disappointments happened and how to heal from them. Principles of trauma healing will be explained and we will learn to become more sensitive towards ourselves and our needs and be in touch with our inner and outer resources.

Partner exercises and individual work will accompany our journey towards finding a fulfilling way of relating with others, whether partners, friends or family members.

Part 1: Conscious Relating, August 17-20

Svagito’s new book ‘When Life Stops. Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellation’ is available from amazon or his website.   /


“Unless meditation is achieved, love remains a misery. Only two meditators can live in love”. OSHO   




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Svagito is a therapist and spritual teacher, who combines therapy with meditation and mindfulness....


