Limits and space




from 13 December hour 10:00
to 15 December hour 16:30

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This workshop is going to be a “journey” that will give as a chance to let go physical and emotional tensions. To reconnect with a strong, fresh and relaxing vibration naturally pulsing inside of us.

Exploring the thoracic segment, we are going to make the “center of our inner solar system” shine again, opening to a dimension of big space, trust and integrity. We will come in contact with our dynamics of creating protections or prisons and our ability to drop the baggage we don’t need anymore, to be able to feel free to open and to expand ourselves to life. Discovering that it is not possible anymore to hurt an open and vulnerable heart.
Osho Pulsation Bodywork is a personal growth method that brings into a synergy physical activity, the ability to live in the present moment and the physiology of emotional dynamics. Through breath, movement and meditation is possible to take back a full contact with the life flowing in our body.
“…by and by you will become aware of a very subtle harmony, a very beautiful music continuously going on inside. Then you have the contact with the body…The whole body vibrates around the center of the heart just as the whole solar system moves around the sun…But you can become aware of it, only if you first become alert to the whole body.” OSHO, Seven steps to Samadhi


Osho Pulsation The Advanced Training

The Advanced is accessible to anyone who has participated in the three modules of the Basic Training or to those who have…

Osho Pulsation The Basic Training

A deep experiential journey: three individually accessible modules, each as a complete experience in itself…

Supervision Group Osho Pulsation

Third year of Training: Supervision, for all those who have completed all the modules of the Basic and Advanced Pulsation Training.



Magna, David Rasulo, had been trained in "Neo-Reichian Energy and Bodywork" since 2001, by Aneesha...



